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Gardner, Johnson County

(west of town)


Type: gone

Description: "There are also soldier monuments in the cemeteries at Monticello, Gardner, and Spring Hill, Johnson county, costing each about $400, raised by subscription, erected shortly after the one at Olathe" - Martin, 1910.

This site has been inspected several times and the monument has not been located.

Martin, 1910


SUV Registry Status: Gone But Not Forgotten

Monticello, Johnson County

Union Cemetery
(1 mi south of Shawnee Mission Parkway and ½ mi west)


Type: Granite Monument

Description: Granite column with decorative urn on top. The inscriptions read:

"To The Memory Of ~ Our Unknown Dead ~ Asleep Unnamed And Unknown ~ Until Gods Angels On The ~ Whirlwind Rides ~ To Claim His Own".

"To The Memory Of ~ Our Soldiers Who ~ Starved In Southern ~ Prisons".

"To Our Heroes Of ~ 1861-1865 ~ Dedicated ~ May 30, 1895".

"Erected By ~ John Anderson ~ Womans Relief Corps ~ No 194 Wilder Kan".

The base of the monument has the marking: "H.E.Barker ~ Kansas City." The step in front of the marker reads "In Memoriam".

Martin, 1910, Wells, 2002

RM Thies, August 1, 1995
DE McGovern, July 11, 2005

SUV Registry Status: Primary Memorial
SUVCW documentation needed

Olathe, Johnson County

Olathe Memorial Cemetery
(north of town center)


Type: Granite Soldier Statue

Description: Soldier monument costing $1000, raised by Franklin post No, 68. The base and body of the monument is of granite, surmounted by a life-size figure of a soldier standing at rest, executed in white marble. In a circle at its base are buried thirty-seven soldiers. The inscription reads on the west side: "Erected By Franklin Post, No. 68, G. A. R. In memory Of Our Dead Comrades." On the north side is a representation of a G. A. R. badge and the date 1893.

It was erected in 1893. Dedicated Memorial Day 1897, by John Smith Post, Department of Kansas, Grand Army of the Republic.

Baruch and Beckman, 1978, Martin, 1910, SOS! 1994, Wells, 2002

DE McGovern, July 11, 2005

SUV Registry Status: Primary Memorial
SUVCW documentation needed

Spring Hill, Johnson County

Spring Hill Cemetery
(west of town)

Spring Hill

Type: Granite Monument

Description: Granite monument with large polished granite orb on top. The orb is inscribed: "Rest ~ Soldier Rest".

The front of the monument is inscribed: "The Flag They Fought For ~ (engraving of US Flag) ~ To The Memory Of ~ Our Unknown Dead ~ They Sleep ~ On Southern Battlefields ~ And 'Neath The Ocean Waves ~ General Curtis Relief Corp No 28 ~ Dedicated May 30, 1897".

The back of the Monument is inscribed: " To The Memory Of ~ Those Soldiers Who Fell ~ During The War Of ~ 1861 to 1865".

Martin, 1910

DE McGovern, February 14, 2005

SUV Registry Status: Primary Memorial
SUVCW documentation needed

Spring Hill, Johnson County

Spring Hill Cemetery Entrance Gate
(west of town)

Spring Hill

Type: Entry Gate

Description: The Cemetery is entered through two columns separated by one-way single lane roadways with a central brick and stone monument in the center. The center panel of the monument is inscribed: "Springhill Cemetery ~ In Honor of ~ the Veterans of the Civil War ~ 1861-1865, The Spanish American ~ War 1890, Our Country's Defend- ~ ers in the World War 1917-1918 ~ and the Loyal Women of ~ Springhill and Community ~ Sponsored by W.R.C. No 28 A.D. 1923". On the back side of the panel is mounted a small brass plaque reading: "In Memory of the ~ Meyer-Dunn Family".

reported by DE McGovern

DE McGovern, February 14, 2005

SUV Registry Status: Primary Memorial
SUVCW documentation needed

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Updated November1, 2006 - DE McGovern